The Major Arcana Key package will be designed specifically for you to merge with your divine-self, unlock your gifts and abilities, embrace your darkness, and reach your ultimate state of mastery.
The following set of tools that I will create and channel personally for you will guide you towards transmuting your current state into your philosopher’s stone. If you are serious about lifting the veil and uncovering the mysteries of the universe and knowing who you truly are, then get ready because this is for you!
The Major Arcana Key contains the following:
1 - Your personal Tarot Card. A Tarot Card channeled specifically for you based on your soul and energy. I will create it with all of my knowledge of sacred geometry and the dark occult arts of magic. This Tarot Card will help you unlock your true magick, as well as gifts and abilities that are still dormant within you.
2 - Your personal Seal of Solomon - This can be used as a logo or avatar for social media, business, online website, online stores, and dating profiles. The purpose of this logo/sigil is to be used for your protection on social media and the internet because that’s where most people are nowadays, that’s where your soul and energy exists. Therefore using this logo/sigil will grant you protection whenever you encounter negative toxic people who try to harm or hex you, or send you the evil eye. Also, it will help you manifest the things you truly desire - love, success in online business, right connection, and powerful online presence.
3 - Your personal spell to awaken your inner magic and become who you are. I will send you all the detailed instructions on how to perform this spell. This spell is custom made for you based on your energy.
4 - Your personal custom Soul Sigil - This is your own custom soul sigil that I will personally channel and create for you based on my knowledge of sacred geometry and occult sciences. You can use it for your awakening, protection, magical practices, and being able to shift into different realms. This sigil will help you astral project, have prophetic dreams, and it will be your portal into the unknown realms.
5 - Three Past Lives:
- Your first reincarnation on Earth.
- A past life that will help you understand and reflect on your blocks and subconscious spiritual wounds.
- A reincarnation that is connected to your supernatural gifts and abilities.
6 - Message from the underworld. This will help you come into your power, embrace your darkness, become more confident, and get out of your comfort zone which keeps you stuck in the past or submerged in negative toxic habits. This is all about knowing and becoming thyself.
7 - Your custom Dark Sigil that has the purpose to attach a guardian demon or spirit to you. I will send you detailed instructions on how to use this sigil properly for your magical work.
8 - A step by step advanced guide on setting up your personal altar that will help you connect to your inner divine power. This setup will be based on your personal energy and auric field. The setup for this altar will be your portal, your escape from the physical reality, and your magical realm.
Once you complete the purchase, please send to the following:
- Your official first and last name
- Your date of birth
- Clear photos of both of your left and right palms
The Major Arcana Key will be emailed to you in PDF digital format.
No physical products will be sent to you.
Your Major Arcana Key will be delivered to you via email within 7 to 31 days from the order date.
Please note that there is no refund policy.
Cancellation is not available once the order is placed.
As with everything else metaphysical I am legally required to state that the readings, spells, sigils, and all the services in my store are for entertainment purposes only. The magical results are not implied or guaranteed. I am not responsible for any consequences (good or bad).
If you have any questions please contact me at: